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2002 Chevrolet Vehicle Models

2002 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD

3 services performed on this vehicle model.

Services Performed

(1) Other/Custom Service

Vehicle Locations

(1) Chandler, AZ 85226
(1) Oakland, CA 94601
(1) Portland, OR 97236

Reviews for 2002 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD

1 of 5
“Cleaning of vehicle was rushed, several items listed on the service were left off. Driveway was left a mess, vehicle was moved to wash and left after completion blocking the sidewalk and partially in the road. Windows were left down next to a Palo Verde tree that blew into the entire truck undoing all the interior cleaning. Electrical outlet cover was not properly closed and returned to it's original condition, hose was not returned to it's original location and in using the hose rocks from the yard were moved into the walkway and driveway. Mats were left out on a block wall, and many of them blew away because of how they were left. Technician was approached by a neighbor to do there vehicle and my perception is that is why my vehicle wasn't given the attention it should have been. My overall experience made me feel like I would have been better off taking it through a $15 car was then what I ended up getting. ”

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